September 24, 2018
Mercy Day
It has been two months since 142 Young Mercy Leaders gathered in Dublin coming from Mercy-affiliated high schools and universities in Aotearoa New Zealand, Australia, Britain, Ireland, and the United States.
Mercy Sisters in Australia are very active in ACRATH, the Australian Catholic Religious Against Trafficking in Humans
Four Courts Press Ireland and Catholic University of America Press, copublishers of the biograpyon Catherine are making it available at a special price for orders received prior to its release.
Mercy International Association is developing a library of published works by and/or about Sisters of Mercy, Associates within Mercy, and our Mercy ministries.
Mercy International Global Action is focusing on Human Trafficking as one of its two major themes (the other being Cosmology/Environment). The reasons for this are threefold.
Aine Barrins rsm explains how she came to compile "Opening Our Treasures" with accompanying reflections
Support the work of Mercy International Association by hosting a "Good Cup of Tea" event on or around November 11th, the 170th anniversary of Catherine's death.
On September 22., Mt St Mary Academy from Little Rock, Arkansas visited Mercy International Centre has a long term relationship with a counterpart school in Naas. The Arkansa Mercy foundation was established from Naas in 1851.
We listen to the antiphon of earth and world: “Take from my heart all painful anxiety”…