September 24, 2018
Mercy Day
Those in attendance had the opportunity to hear Mary C Sullivan rsm speak about the background to this intimate and fascinating narrative of the life of Catherine which draws extensively on primary sources.
Four Courts Press, Dublin and Catholic University of America Press are copublishers of this work which illumines Catherine's personality and details her life.
Those in Ireland, the United Kingdom, and Europe can only/must order from Four Courts Press, Dublin (in Euros or Pounds Sterling); those in North America, Australia and New Zealand, and elsewhere can only/must order from the Catholic University of America Press (in US Dollars), at the address given on that form.
The two publishers have rights to promote/sell in different countries. In each case orders need to be on the relevant order form. The form may be photocopied.
These order forms are for pre-publication orders (hence the sizeable discounts) and the book will not be delivered until early 2012, possibly February or March. Catholic University of America is also giving a good discount on the previously published Correspondence of Catherine McAuley (2004).
Ireland, UK and Europe: Special offer: €30 plus free postage if ordered prior to 30 April 2012
Ireland, UK and Europe: Special offer: £27 plus free postage if ordered prior to 30 April 2012
For all orders in North America, Australia and New Zealand, and elsewhere: 20% discount if ordered prior to 31 December 2011