July 29, 2018
A Sub-Committee of the NGO Mining Working Group focusing on the gendered impacts of mining published a paper entitled 'Water, Women and Wisdom'. This two page document serves as a companion to 'Water and Sanitation: A People's Guide to SDG 6'. 'Women, Water and Wisdom' recognizes that "Women and girls, especially rural and indigenous women, have knowledge and experience that is critical for the achievement of SDG 6, and as such need to play a central role in the provision, management, and safeguarding of water. A gender-sensitive approach to SDG 6 would not only contribute to women’s and girls’ enjoyment of their human rights to water and sanitation, but also contribute to their economic and political empowerment, improve opportunities for girls to go to school, and reduce gender-based violence and the gendered impacts of illnesses and food insecurity." Further exploring a gendered lens to water and sanitation, this document delves into the educational and economic dimensions, along with components such as health, gender based violence, food security and agriculture, and lastly recommendations to states and stakeholders. Read 'Women, Water and Wisdom' here and we invite you to distribute it to your networks. Messages to: Angela Reed rsm - MIA Coordinator at the UN - Mercy Global Action |