September 24, 2018
Mercy Day
We listen to the antiphon of earth and world: “Take from my heart all painful anxiety”…
We respond together: Our wish for you: “to live in the mercy of god”!
O god come to our assistance…
Mary Grey characterizes ours as “a broken hearted culture”.
Elizabeth Johnson likens us to those other disciples who slept in the garden; we don’t want to be asleep while earth undergoes her passion and death.
Katherine Doyle asks and suggests: “What is changing? Perhaps not enough”.
And Micheletta said: …”a kind word, a gentle, compassionate look and the patient hearings of their sorrows.”
Litany of the urgent: Libya; global economic pain and world-wide unemployment/ Europe-USA-Latin America; Japan earthquake/global warming; No food Somalia and Kenya; Drug and alcohol epidemic-who needs 2 parents?-sexual activity in 12/13 year olds = disintegration of family; Immigration experience in the North, emigration in the south; universal water rights exist?; women and women in the church, oh the women!
“In mercy, we long to touch the hearts of those who are in misery; we, the fortunate, are touched by them, and feel their strength and courage. We are healed by them and see the face of hope”, and we cannot be unchanged. THEN this mercy day, this year, this time in history, while convinced of the truth of the previous sentences, we know as never before that we cannot stop there... but take to our heart from god’s the following words of Theresa: “Christ has no body now on earth but yours, no hands but yours, no feet but yours. Yours are the eyes and ears through which must look out and listen Christ’s compassion on the world. Yours are the feet with which he is to go about doing good. Yours are the hands with which he is to bless people now.”
Amen. Amen.
In Mercy, love and hope, mercy and maryknoll along with Ines, Yasmany, Josue and Marlen send you all the energy and courage you desire to keep us company in each day of our Mercy New Year,
Can’t wait to see you in January.