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International Good Cup Of Tea Event (MIA)

Support the work of Mercy International Association by hosting a "Good Cup of Tea" event on or around November 11th, the 170th anniversary of Catherine's death.

This is what your fundraising event will enable us to do:

Provide a homespace in Catherine’s original house where all associated with Mercy can be welcomed home and refreshed at the wellspring of Mercy.

Communicate the Mercy story on a global scale.

Bring the case studies of marginalised people supported by Mercy Ministries to decision making bodies such as the UN or the EU and change policies with regard to their rights.

Details and support materials ( brochure, flyer, poster, registration form) can be accessed here. In addition to the ability to register your event online here.

Messages to Mary Reynolds rsm - Executive Director MIA

Editor: We are seeking photos from your event, or from Mercy places and spaces where Sisters, associates, colleagues and members of the Mercy network are shown enjoying a good cup of tea prior to the event. These we will use in image galleries on the website. Send your images to