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Focussing on 25 years of the Institute's mission in Pakistan (Australia)

At the recent sixth Institute Chapter of the Sisters of Mercy of Australia and Papua New Guinea, held in Sydney from September 17-25, 2010, the celebration of Eucharist on the feast of Our Lady of Mercy



Mary MacKillop and the Sisters of Mercy (Australia)

On Thursday, March 11th, the Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart launched a website for Mary MacKillop, Australia's first saint, which was created with them by Fraynework, the Mercy communications ministry.



Where Sisters of Mercy Minister: Timor Leste (35)

Timor Leste (or East Timor) is the poorest country in the Asia-Pacific Region with a long history of being a colonized nation. For a few centuries, they were ruled by Portugal and occupied by Japan during World War II.



Where Sisters of Mercy Minister: Belize (34)

Belize (formerly British Honduras) is a small country in Central America, east of Guatemala and bordering the Caribbean Sea. It is the only Central American country with English as the language of commerce and education.



A Birthday Party for Catherine McAuley

Wednesday 29 September marked the 232nd year since the birth of Catherine McAuley. Thirty eight students and chaperones from All Hallows’ School in Brisbane Australia celebrated Catherine’s birthday at Mercy International Centre.



Where Sisters of Mercy Minister: Lebanon (33)

The Sisters of Mercy went to Lebanon in October 1995. They work mainly in Sacramental preparation in schools and parishes.



Mercy Day Celebrations at Mercy International Centre

Sisters of Mercy, Associates, Circle of Mercy Members, Friends of Mercy, Partners in Ministry and Staff all gathered at Mercy International Centre to celebrate Mercy Day.



MIA welcomes Women’s Therapy Centre to MIC on Mercy Day

On 24th September, 1827, at least four years before the foundation of the Mercy Congregation, the House on Baggot Street opened as a school for poor young girls and a residence for homeless girls and women.



Where Sisters of Mercy Minister: England (32)

Two foundations were established in England during Catherine McAuley’s lifetime—one in Bermondsey in 1839 and another in Birmingham in 1841. Sisters of Mercy continue to minister in those locations and run heritage centres in both places.



Petition for Pope Benedict

At our Mercy Associate meeting on the 11th September we discussed sharing information on the petition we prepared for Pope Benedict for the canonisation of Catherine McAuley.
