September 24, 2018
Mercy Day
(Silver Spring, MD) – In this time of transition for the Catholic Church, over 300 members of the largest congregation of Roman Catholic sisters in the United States will gather at Texas
The Conference theme will be- Mercy: Walking towards Wisdom, Wellness, & Wholeness
A dream first expressed when archivists from Mercy congregations around the world gathered at Mercy International Centre in November 2003 is becoming a reality.
Recently, I saw the C-SPAN program with Jeffrey Kluger telling the story of his research in writing his work "Splendid Solution: Jonas Salk and the Conquest of Polio." I, with thousands of others in Pittsburgh, lived through the terrible polio epidemic.
This year’s annual meetings of the congregational leaders of the Mercy International Association begin 9 May at Handsworth, Birmingham.
In 2006, there will be an opening at Mercy International Centre for a Sister with an interest in the following areas: Team Member / Food Services Coordinator
Mercy Global Concern (MGC) is offering a two (2) week in-service program for Sisters of Mercy at the United Nations in New York City, September 5-16, 2005.
Susan Sarandon meets with Australian Indigenous women at Fraynework Multimedia’s Indigital Training Centre in Melbourne Australia. The facility is owned by the Sisters of Mercy Melbourne Congregation.
On the 25th February 2005 Sisters Patricia Ndee Kyambu and Rosemary Galhoni Wanyoike arrived from Nairobi to join our Region in Zambia.