September 24, 2018
Mercy Day
On April 9-13, 2012, the Religious Sisters of Mercy, Philippines held our 7th General Chapter of Affairs to review Mercy Life and Ministry.
The students at Mercy High School in Middletown, Connecticut, U.S.A., invited the Directors of All-Africa Conference: Sister to Sister (Sisters Margaret Farley, Eileen Hogan and Mayon Sylvain) to spend a morning with them.
Mercy International Association invites applications for the Volunteer Live In/general Duties Position
The Eucharistic Congress Bell began its pilgrimage through the Dioceses of Ireland on St. Patrick’s Day in 2011
On Sunday, April 29, St. Andrews Church on Westland Row celebrated its 180th anniversary. Because of the close connections of the Church in Westland Row with the Sisters of Mercy in Baggot Street, we received a special invitation.
In this article Catherine Gibbons rsm, MGA Intern, reflects on the 2012 Lenten Series of Soup and Substance.
The Mercy Sisters and Presentation Sisters in Ireland are jointly seeking a meeting with officials from the Department of the Environment who will be the official delegation at the Rio + 20 meeting. Both Congregations have been lobbying the United Nations
This initiative is being organized by the UN and the Brazilian government for members of civil society.
On Easter Sunday morning, I along with several others went with the priest to one of the out station communities for Mass – a lovely little community set in the bush
In August of 2011, eight students from Carlow University had the pleasure of hearing Sister Marilyn Lacey speak and of taking part in her break out sessions at the Young Mercy Leaders Conference in Dublin, Ireland.