Daily Prayer - Week 3


Morning Prayer

God of all peoples, bring forth your reign of peace and justice upon the earth. Gather nations together to work for the common good of their members. Bless our efforts to bring an end to famine, social injustice and the exploitation of nature. We ask this in Jesus' name. Amen.

Evening Prayer

God, you are merciful and kind. You give us all that we need for life and holiness; you fill our world with wonders. We will never forget you for we yearn to sing your praises. At the close of this day we lift our hearts in gratitude to you who sustain us and call us to yourself. Amen.


Morning Prayer

O God, in the beginning your Word called forth life fromthe depths fo the earth ot the highest heavens. We praise you for the wonders of creation, and we ask you to fashion us in your image that our lives may continue to praise you. We make this prayer through Jesus, the firstborn of creation. Amen.

Evening Prayer

The joys and sorrows of our lives follow one another, O God, as night follows day. Help us to accept moments of doubt or discouragement as readily as we accept times of joy and gladness, knowing that you "will soon come, both hands filled with favors and blessings." We ask this through Jesus whose sufferings gave way to resurrection. Amen.


Morning Prayer

Just God, you never fail to bless those who walk with integrity. Teach us to travel the paths of our lives trusting in your care, and make us eager to walk in your truth. We ask this in the name of Jesus who is the way, the truth and the life. Amen.

Evening Prayer

It is our confidence in your, O God, that causes us to hope. We have given ourselves to you and know that you hold us in your protective care. May this sure hope give us courage and creativity for ministry, bringing us closer and closer to the realisation of your reign. We ask this through Jesus, our companion and guide. Amen.


Morning Prayer

O God, our rising dawn, we greet you at the beginning of this day. We lift up our hands and hearts in joyful praise for your wonderful deeds. You led the people of Israel to freedom. You fed and nourished them for their journey. Sustain us today as we walk the path of justice and mercy. This we ask in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Evening Prayer

Christ Jesus, we call upon you to be present wherever dissension and strife threaten the harmony to which you call your people. Let your healing love flow through us so that, with the energy of this grace, we may be instruments of reconciliation. We ask this in your name, you who are the prince of peace. Amen.


Morning Prayer

O God, you lift our burdens and rescue us when we cry to you. Strengthen us to walk in your ways, carrying only what we need to listen carefully to your call and respond to you with generous hearts. We make our prayer through Jesus Christ, your Son and our brother. Amen.

Evening Prayer

O God, you who chose Zion as your resting place, make your home now with us. As we experience your comforting presence, may we be impelled to extend the hospitality of our homes and hearts to those without the protection of food or shelter, love or companionship. Let us find rest in one another until we make our way home to you. We ask this in the name of Jesus, who lived among us. Amen.


Morning Prayer

Tender God, your mercy heals the wounds of sin and division. Reshape our hearts and rebuild our shattered spirits; steady our lives and give us words to sing your praise. We ask this in the name of Jesus the Christ. Amen.

Evening Prayer

Faithful God, we have known your gracious and loving care each day of our lives. May we never forget your benevolence. May we, through our lives of service, extend and honor your goodness among your people. In our acts of mercy and justice may you be known and honored, now and for all ages. Amen.


Morning Prayer

Faithful God, your labors of love delight us and your marvelous deeds move us to song. Make us eager to labor for the good of our neighbor and to witness to your care by our compassionate presence. We ask this in the name of Jesus and through the power of your Spirit. Amen.

Evening Prayer

Jesus, we have known you in various ways - as food and fulfillment, as Word and Savior. May your Holy Spirit dwell in us helping us to understand the meaning of your life and encouraging us to pattern our lives on you. Through this grace, we hope to recreate your presence in our world. We ask this, confident that you will hear and respond to our prayer. Amen.