Daily Prayer - Week 2


Morning Prayer

God of love and compassion, your love is like the sun which banishes the darkness. Each day the morning light reminds us of your faithfulness and mercy. This day let us join our hearts with those of all our brothers and sister in praising your goodness. You who are our saving God, act once more to free your people from the slavery of injustice, oppression, poverty and prejudice. We ask this with confidence in your promises. Amen.

Evening Prayer

You, O God, have done great things for us. You give us all that we need for life, and you sustain us on the path of Mercy to which you have called us. May we always perceive your guiding hand; may we welcome and encourage the companions you have given us for our journey. In the end, may we be welcomed into your embrace by all the members of our families and communities who have gone before us. We ask this in the name of Jesus who walks with us. Amen.


Morning Prayer

With longing hearts we cry out to you, God of all life. Let mercy fall like gentle rain upon your suffering poor. Let your healing waters bathe the wounds of those broken by disease, rejection or self-hatred. The water of our baptism made us one with Christ Jesus. May our lives witness the love made flesh in him. Amen.

Evening Prayer

You have called us, O God, to united us to yourself in the person of your Son, Jesus. Through our reflections of his life, may we come to know his spirit and to it reflect in our words and actions. Thus will all people know of your constant love for us. We make this prayer in a spirit of gratitude and praise. Amen.


Morning Prayer

Generous God, we wait for you. You are our highest joy, our deepest peace. As we go forth to this day's tasks, let us carry your light within us. May our day begin in you and end in you so that all may be done for your glory. May you and you alone be the principal motive of our actions. We ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Evening Prayer

For you alone, O God, we go forward or stay back, our hearts centered in you. May we find refreshment and security in you and be animated and strengthened for the service to which you call us. May the fruit of our ministry be union and charity among your people. Thus we will build your reign on earth as it is in heaven We ask this, confident in your never-failing help. Amen.


Morning Prayer

Jesus, you emptied yourself, taking on human flesh that we might know the depths of divine love. Empty our hearts of all desires that are contrary to your heart. Let us never seek rewards for our service or recognition for our accomplishments. Let our joy be in knowing that we have given you our all, without any reserve. Grant us this, our desire. Amen.

Evening Prayer

Gentle Shepherd, may the leaders of our church, our country, our religious community, find in you the model of compassionate, just and courageous leadership. Inspired by your example, may they be an encouraging and nurturing presence among us. May we challenge and support them in their efforts, so that, together, we may be one holy people making our way to you. We ask this, united in faith. Amen.


Morning Prayer

Jesus, you walked among us and were moved to compassion for your people. The lame and the leper came to you and found healing. The tax collector and the prostitute came, and you believed in them. No one was excluded from your love. Send us your spirit of union and compassion that we may make a home in our hearts for all the persons we meet. This day, O Jesus, give us hearts that love. Amen.

Evening Prayer

We see how quietly you work, our good God. Night follows after day, soundlessly and peacefully. May this gentle and consistent succession remind us of your continuous watchfulness over our lives. May we go to rest this night, confident that you hold us in you loving care, now and forever. Amen.


Morning Prayer

God of healing and forgiveness, we come to you seeking your mercy. We want to be true followers of Jesus, but our intentions do not always find expression in our actions. strengthen us to do good and enbolden us to proclaim the good news of salvation with confidence. We ask this in the name of Jesus, remembering his words: Ask and you shall receive. Amen.

Evening Prayer

Gracious God, at the close of this day, we remember all the graces with which you sustain and nurture us. You have called us, not to bestow gifts, but to bestow ourselves freely, relying with unhesitating confidence on your providence. May we live in this spirit of generosity, gladly sharing the goodness with which you have blessed us. We ask this in the name of Jesus who poured out his life for us. Amen.


Morning Prayer

Blessed be your name, O God. You have filled the earth with your gifts. Blessed are those who have believed in you. Blessed are those who have sought to say "yes" to you. This day we stand in union with all our sisters who have gone before us and ask that we be strengthened to follow in the way of Mercy which is their legacy. Like them may we see you face to face in eternity, for Jesus has told us, "Blessed are the merciful, for they shall see God!" Amen.

Evening Prayer

You have called us, God, to be members of your body. Grateful for this sacred vocation, we pray to be your hand and feet, your voice and your heart in our world. Through our ministry, may your people know that you move among them today, hearing their concerns and healing their sorrow. We pray this in the name of Jesus who came among us to show us the way. Amen.