Daily Prayer - Week 1


Morning Prayer

God of all creation, at the dawning of this new day fill us with wonder and gratitude for the abundance of your blessings. We lift our hearts and voices to praise you for the beauty of the earth, the harvest of field and orchard. Give us hearts that long to share our abundance with those who suffer from want and hopelessness. We ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Evening Prayer

Christ our light, illumine our minds that we may see you in our sisters and brothers. Let the darkness of doubt and discouragement never keep us from the good you would have us do. You send us to be light to your people. Let us shine forth as witnesses to your love. We ask this with confidence in your faithfulness. Amen.


Morning Prayer

God of all peoples and nations, thank you for your protection through the night. At our rising, let us praise you. In our waking, let us serve you. Wherever we may go today, let our hearts be centered in you for whom alone we go forward or stay back. This we ask in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Evening Prayer

Jesus, you are the bread that gives life. You fed the multitude in the desert when they hungered. Feed us now with the bread that sustains our hope. As you supply our need, let us be bread for your people. We ask this in your name. Amen.


Morning Prayer

God of justice and mercy, you are our saving God. Come with your power to save, and free those held captive by oppression. Use us as your instruments of mercy and peace. Give us the courage to challenge all that enslaves the human spirit. This we ask in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Evening Prayer

Jesus, you walked with your disciples on the way to Emmaus and revealed your presence in the breaking of the bread. Walk with us on our journey. Open us to see the revelation of your presence in the daily events of our lives. You who promised to be with us always be faithful to your word. We ask this in your name. Amen.


Morning Prayer

Jesus, you have given us living bread that we may be nourished and strengthened. As you provided food for those who gathered upon the hillside to hear your word, feel your people today with the bread that brings life. Do not forget those who love you. We ask this in your name. Amen.

Evening Prayer

Spirit of God, you make your home within us. Help us to hear your voice speaking within us, calling us to deeper union with you. Renew our hearts and transform our actions that we may proclaim to the world: God is alive! God's love is everlasting! This we ask in the name of Jesus. Amen.


Morning Prayer

God, your love is everlasting! You shower us with blessings and provide for us in our need. Listen to our prayer and bring all creation into oneness. Let us reverence earth as our home, and each other as sister or brother. Let us be blessed with peace within and without. This we ask in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Evening Prayer

God of tender mercy, you hear the cries of those who suffer. Send us that spirit of refreshment which will gladden our spirits and calm our fears. When we lack the strength to continue in deeds of righteousness, renew us with your love. When we feel that we are alone and lost, be our companion and guide. This we ask in the name of Jesus. Amen.


Morning Prayer

God of compassion, look with tenderness upon our frailty. We love you but fail to live fully the demands of that love. Help us to begin again when we have grown weary of doing good. Bind up our broken spirits, and make us whole through the love of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Evening Prayer

Merciful God, the earth is charged with the wonders of your glory. You are shield and shelter for those who call to you in their need. Be with us as we work to build your reign upon earth. Be our shield against persecution, our shelter in times of weariness. Wrap those who are in pain in the embrace of your mercy. This we ask in the name of Jesus who died that we might live. Amen.


Morning Prayer

God of Miriam and Moses, you led your people through the desert. You guided them by day and night and made them your covenant of love. Let us walk with you in faithfulness, following the way shown to us by Jesus and the prophets. Be with us on our journey, O God of Mercy. Amen.

Evening Prayer

The richness of your love is boundless, O God of mercy. Who can understand the depth of your love? You, our God, have done great things for us. We rejoice in our blessedness and ask that you stir up in our hearts the spirit of thanksgiving and generosity. Empower us to give freely what we have received as gift. We ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen.