September 24, 2018
Mercy Day
This weekend begins a series of celebrations commemorating the October 2, 1857 arrival in Sacramento of five Sisters of Mercy led by Sister Mary Baptist Russell from the first California foundation in San Francisco.
The Sisters of Mercy of the Americas, Regional Community of Detroit held their annual Mercy Life Conference the weekend of August 9-11 in Farmington Hills, Michigan.
Two Mercy Volunteers from Erie, Pa., USA, say serving those in has changed their lives.
The New York, Pennsylvania, Pacific West Community, which begins on January 1, 2008, held their initial Assembly July 17-22.
Approximately 500 Sisters of Mercy from 18 states, Guam and Jamaica, gathered July 26-28 at Xavier University in Cincinnati to discuss the proposed governance plan for their emerging South Central Community.
Pupils from the Sister Mary Aloysius College of Mercy, Ebony State, Nigeria won 1st place in the March Past. The school has been built in memory of sister Mary Aloysius of the Barnsley Community who befriended a poor Nigerian boy many years ago.
Each year we celebrate our birthday, the feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, by honouring the service provided by our staff.
12th National Sisters of Mercy Conference on Aging October 11 – 13, 2007 Chicago, Illinois
Members of the team and volunteers were given a special treat with a session with Mary Trainer rsm on the 14th June.
Sister Rose Carmel McNamara of the Institute of Our Lady of Mercy, GB has received a prestigious award for her work among the people of Bucharest, Romania.