September 24, 2018
Mercy Day
Each year we celebrate our birthday, the feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, by honouring the service provided by our staff. This year we celebrate 71 years since the first patient was admitted to our hospital with an acknowledgment of 31 members of staff who collectively have provided more than 384 years of Mercy service.
Mercy Hospital provides private surgical care to the people of Otago and Southland, in the south of the South Island of New Zealand. The hospital admitted its first patient on 16th July 1936 and we now celebrate that day by recognising the dedication and commitment of our staff. We employ 150 staff to care directly or indirectly for patients and this year 31 of them were recognised for the collective 384 years of service they had provided.
Michael Woodhouse CEO welcomed staff and Sisters to the awards and reflected on the privileged position we have at Mercy with such a loyal and dependable staff. At a time when most managers have to place considerable focus on recruitment and retention, here at Mercy we have staff who are committed to being part of the Mercy Mission. The Sisters thanked and congratulated the staff with Patricia Rowe rsm (Leadership Team) placing the contribution of those receiving awards in both a historical and global perspective of Mercy. This theme was reflected in the ceremony which included the use of two poems from Sr Mary Wickham’s collection of Souvenirs of Spirit: ‘Meeting, and ‘Blessing’.
Two of the recipients were acknowledged for the 25 years of service each had provided. Jenny Fenton, staff nurse on McAuley Ward, commented “My years at Mercy have flown by and I have many happy memories and wonderful friendships”. Dianne Hayes, Team Leader of Food Services Department said "It has been a wonderful experience working at Mercy. I have seen many changes over the 25 years. I started work in the kitchen when there were 16 sisters who administered all aspects of hospital life. Sisters Zita, Francesca, Chanel and Lucia were particularly supportive of me as I became part of this caring environment. Evidence of this is the long serving employees on the present staff who continue to practice the values and share the Mission of the Sisters of Mercy.”
Messages to: Dr. Janice McDrury Mission Co-ordinator