September 24, 2018
Mercy Day
Sr. Deirdre Mullan’s role as Director of Mercy Global Concern will come to closure at the end of May this year.
The theme of the third Lenten Reflection in this six part series is “Accompanying Refugees”.
A new exhibition at the Australian National Museum opened on St Patrick's Day this past week to tell one of the nation’s great home grown stories - the experience of the Irish people in Australia. One of the 450 objects on display in this exhibition is a
The Sisters of Mercy in Newfoundland are a Congregation of 124 sisters involved in global action in Canada, Peru, Kenya and Zambia.
Lenten Programme: Soup and Substance (2) The theme of the second Lenten Reflection in this six part series is Hunger and HIV/Aids in Africa.
I have just been to the Mission of Japan to the United Nations and delivered to Ambassador Shigeki Sumi a letter of sympathy and support at this time of great national tragedy for that nation.
The theme of the first Lenten Reflection in this six part series is Solidarity.
Mercy Global Concern, the Mercy office at the United Nations in New York City, echo Catherine McAuley's words in saying - Women and Girls around the world who suffer gender-based violence need help today, not next week."
This week Mercy sisters from six Mercy Congregations/institutes are together at Fraynework in Melbourne for an intensive workshop on Mercy communications led by Adele Howard rsm and staff.
Mercy International Association is happy to announce that Mary Purcell has been appointed to the recently advertised position of Assistant Director Global Action.