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Mercy Global Concern

Sr. Deirdre Mullan’s role as Director of Mercy Global Concern will come to closure at the end of May this year.

She was first appointed to the role in 2002 and the term of her contract was extended on a number of occasions to its maximum extension of nine years.

During this time Deirdre ably represented Mercy at the United Nations in New York. Using her many skills, she helped to bring the face of global women in oppression to the U.N and enthusiastically advocated on their behalf. She was extraordinarily successful in engaging the UN system in lobbying for human rights and in influencing policy making on critical issues. Using her special talent for networking, she engaged very effectively with various commissions, working parties and other representatives at the UN as well as with membership in her efforts to raise awareness and to challenge all to make a real difference.

Because of her full-hearted commitment and the excellent work that she has accomplished, Deirdre is held in high esteem and appreciated in the whole of the Mercy world and beyond. She leaves a great legacy on which to build.

Sr. Aine O’Connor, (Sisters of Mercy of the Americas), who completed an internship at the UN in 2009 has been invited to fill the MGC role on an interim basis. She will join Deirdre in May for a time of transition and will work with the recently appointed Assistant Director Global Action in the development of a joint strategy for the furthering of the MIA Global Action programme.

Messages to Mary Reynolds rsm - Executive Director MIA
                        Deirdre Mullan rsm - Director MGC