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MGC Announcement: Melbourne, Australia to host sixty-third UN DPI/NGO Conference

United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Communications and Public Information, Kiyo Akasaka, and Australian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Stephen Smith, have jointly announced that the sixty-third United Nations Department of Public...



Web Training at MIC

Two days of exploration of the new web platform was undertaken by a large group of Sisters of Mercy.



Where Sisters of Mercy Minister: Aotearoa New Zealand (12)

Aotearoa New Zealand is a country that was uniquely founded in 1840 by Treaty between indigenous Maori Chiefs and the British crown. Sisters of Mercy came to Aotearoa New Zealand...



Mercy Leadership Pilgrimage: Australia/New Zealand 2010

On Saturday 10th April 2010 an excited buzz permeated 64A Baggot St Dublin. The echoes of Australian and New Zealand accents could be heard in the dining room, as a new group of 35 pilgrims began to get to know each other over ‘a comfortable cup of tea’.



Where Sisters of Mercy Minister: Poland (11)

In the past week-and-a-half, Poland has experienced immense tragedy with the death of its President, First Lady, and dozens of senior military, political, religious, and economic leaders in a plane crash occurring on April 10, 2010.



The Political Ministry of Women: An Australian Perspective

In the International Mercy Research Conference, participants used a theological reflection process that articulated the story in which we find ourselves, looked at the social and historical context of our story, dialogued with our Mercy...



What is the Gospel according to me, a Sister of Mercy?’

In her article ‘Mercy Fire Kindled in Guyana—April 1894; Still Burning 2007’, Mary Noel Menezes rsm saw the frayed social fabric of Guyana as a microcosm of the global trends highlighted in other papers presented at the International Mercy Research...



Where Sisters of Mercy Minister: Chuuk (Federated States of Micronesia) (10)

Chuuk is one of four states of the Federated States of Micronesia. It consists of 19 "high" islands inside the lagoon, 10 atolls (islands of coral that encircle a lagoon), and 225 "low" coralline islands many of which are outside the lagoon.



Where Sisters of Mercy Minister: Brazil (9)

In a 1979 Chapter, some Sisters of Mercy in Ireland reflected on a line in their Constitutions which states, “Mercy urges us to be with and for the poor and distressed, working for social justice and well being...



Organ Competition Award

The Organ in the chapel is a very precious part of the heritage of Mercy International Centre. Built in 1844 by William Telford, a leading nineteenth century organ builder, it was added to over the succeeding decades.
