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Soup and Substance Lenten Series

Lent is a time when we are called to renew our lives. It puts before us the remedy of prayer, fasting and almsgiving, which today can be called ‘compassion in action’.



Global Action Lived Locally: A Case Study from the Americas

The Institute of Sisters of Mercy of the Americas have been addressing human trafficking out of a commitment to persons living in poverty and particular concerns for women.



Religious Investors Address Trafficking at Super Bowl

Since major sporting events are occasions for increased human trafficking activity, the Coalition for Corporate Responsibility in Indiana and Michigan (CCRIM) will be contacting all of the hotels within a 50-mile radius of the location of the Super Bowl.



World Day of the Sick (February 11th)

The aim of the MIA Vision is to keep alive the founding spirit of Catherine among peoples of the world most in need of God’s compassion and mercy. When she founded the Mercy Congregation, the focus of Catherine’s care was ‘the poor, sick and neglected’.



Gathering of the Irish Young Mercy Leaders

On Tuesday Jan 31st the students from across Ireland who attended the Young Mercy Leaders Pilgrimage in August 2011 were invited to Baggot St. to continue the conversation about how they can be a leader in their schools embodying the charism of Mercy.



Exploitation of the Vulnerable

Catherine McAuley gave high priority to providing shelter and support to homeless, abused and vulnerable servant women and girls.



Rio+20 process and the Earth Summit 2012

The meeting held in Mercy International, Baggot Street, Dublin in December 2011 was a joint initiative of MIA and the Irish Congregation and was a follow-on from a previous meeting in November.



Reflection on MIA Representation at the UN

Aine O'Connor rsm speaks about her time as interim Coordinator of Mercy Global Action at the UN and her role going forward. Aine challenges us all to engage with Mercy Global Action at the UN.



The outcome of the UN Climate Conference, Durban 2011

While governments and participants assessed the outcomes of the recent UN Climate Conference, participants held widely disparate views about whether this Durban event marked a modestly hopeful path toward averting climate disaster and the future...



Farewell to Anne walsh, Editor of Mercy E-News

It was with deep regret that we learned that Anne Walsh will no longer be employed at Fraynework and consequently that she will not edit our weekly edition of e-news. Anne’s relationship with MIA goes back as far as 1998...
