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Farewell to Anne walsh, Editor of Mercy E-News

It was with deep regret that we learned that Anne Walsh will no longer be employed at Fraynework and consequently that she will not edit our weekly edition of e-news. Anne’s relationship with MIA goes back as far as 1998 when a proposal for a Communications Policy was considered by the Leaders of MIA. In 1999 work began on the setting up of the Mercy International website and Anne’s expertise, together with that of Adele Howard rsm was invaluable.

Two years later the groundbreaking CD-Rom, Mercy and Justice Shall Meet began production. When it was completed in 2004, it was acclaimed by all as a wonderful resource and it received several international awards. A testimony to its excellence is that it continues to be used widely today, eight years later – something quite extraordinary in an area of such rapid change and obsolescence. The Circle of Mercy DVD , to which Anne made an immense contribution received an award in 2007. Her dedication to the production of the new web platform, launched in 2009 was outstanding and its outreach and influence is experienced across the world and in circles way beyond the Mercy family. It was particularly as editor of e-news that Anne made a major contribution.

She had her finger on the pulse of the Mercy world and she faithfully each week produced an eagerly awaited e-news that reflected all that was best in Mercy to its own members and portrayed the Mercy story and mission to the world. One has only to trawl the archives, going back to 2001 to see the extent of that contribution and to be amazed at its growth in content and presentation over these years. What made Anne unique was not just her technical skills but her deep understanding of and passion for the Mercy culture.

We wish her the very best as she continues her journey and will be ever indebted to her for the ways in which she enriched the global Mercy family.

Messages to Mary Reynolds rsm - Executive Director MIA