On 18 August last year, I wrote an article in Mercy enews, titled ‘Do Trade Agreements Matter?’ This piece covered the background behind two trade agreements: CETA (the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement) and TPP (The Trans-Pacific Partnership).
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Workshop hosted by ‘Future We Need’ (FWN) Group. An opportunity to Discuss, Reflect and Question.....
On Thursday 15 December, Betty Lacey and Denise Boyle fmdm attended a conference hosted by the European Migration Network (EMN) titled: ‘Responding to the Refugee Crisis’.
Editor: Of the 17 global goals, Mercy Global Action (MGA) has so far identified eight as most relevant to the mission of the Sisters of Mercy - Goals: 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 13,16. Over the next twelve months, we will hear more from Mercy Global Action about each of these goals and how we can take action.
RENATE (Religious in Europe Networking against Trafficking and Exploitation) has welcomed 130 members from 27 countries to Rome for their second European Assembly (6-12 November) where they are reflecting, learning, dialoguing and sharing best practices in their work to combat human trafficking and exploitation.
Mercy Global Action at the UN in partnership with the Congregation of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd is pleased to announce our participation in the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-based Violence beginning November 25th this year.
Last Thursday, October 27th, history was made in Ireland. A Bill to prohibit exploration and extraction of Petroleum from shale, tight sands and coal seams was brought before government who unanimously supported the Bill and agreed to bring it to its next vital stage - the process towards becoming law.
Denise Boyle fmdm visited the Mercy family in Newfoundland during the week of 10-18 October, 2016 where she engaged with Sisters, Associates, groups and individuals in a mutual learning process