September 24, 2018
Mercy Day
19 October is Global Frackdown Day. For the past eight weeks in Mercy e-news (Issues 528 -) we have publicised events being organised by Mercy Sisters and our Partners in Ministry to highlight our shared concerns with this process of extraction.
This week we are highlighting prayer services organised by members of Mercy Congregations:
The Institute of Sisters of Mercy of the Americas Justice Team have supplied the Frackdown prayer in Spanish. They advise:
'For ease of posting, we’ve combined the instructions and the prayer so it’s all one link. You could easily pull them apart, if that works better for you.
Se adjunta la oración Frackdown en español. Para facilitar la publicación , hemos combinado las instrucciones y la oración lo que es todo un enlace de web. Desde aquí se puede separarlos, si es que funciona mejor para usted.'
This day is an opportunity to inform ourselves about hydrofracking. An excellent handout explaining what Fracking is and why it is a concern can be downloaded from the Sisters of Mercy New Zealand website. Download it here (PDF) A reminder about the animation 'Fracking explained: opportunity or danger', previously listed in the resource section (Issue 532, 18 September). Watch it here (05:04)
We invite you to join us in prayer on this day and to participate in other activities where you can.
Messages to: Mary Purcell - Assistant Director Mercy Global Action