September 24, 2018
Mercy Day
Golden Jubilarian Kathleen Connolly, RSM from Burlingame, California (West Midwest community of the Sisters of Mercy of the Americas), accompanied Marilyn Lacey, RSM, to Kenya and Sudan in May of 2008.
The Meeting of the Board of Directors, together with Sr. Mary Reynolds (Executive Director) and Sr. Ethel Bignell (Administration MIA), took place in Mercy Centre, Burlingame, California, from March 2nd-5th.
The fifty-third session of the Commission on the Status of Women will be held at the United Nations headquarters in New York from 2 to 13 March 2009.
People called to mercy in the tradition of Catherine McAuley are not just spectators. They are active participants in the global movement to continue the works of mercy in ways that are creative and appropriate to the needs of today.
In recognition of the International Women’s Day (8 March 2009), the Gender-Net team, in collaboration with UNIFEM, would like to provide you with a collection of advocacy materials to help promote and celebrate the International Day.
By providing a means for Mercy people to collaborate beyond their traditional congregational and national boundaries, MIA makes possible new expressions of the spiritual and corporal works of Mercy.
Sr Bernadette Ndegwa arrived at the UN on Monday February 9th.
Challenged to find ways in which their ministry networks can be put at the service of need, Mercies today hope to keep alive the founding spirit of Catherine McAuley among peoples of the world most in need of God’s compassion and mercy.
The three Vice Postulators and the Postulator for the Cause for Canonisation of Venerable Catherine McAuley started their three-day meeting on the evening of the first of February.
With a felt need to be Mercy in a global way at the turn of the millennium, Mercy people were inspired to return to the first House of Mercy in Dublin.