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Mercy Associates/Circle of Mercy Gathering in Mercy International Centre

On Saturday, 13th February, 50 Core Group leaders of Mercy Associates/Circles of Mercy from all parts of Ireland and from England gathered in Mercy International Centre for a day of reflection and sharing.

It was a day of story-telling with each group sharing the story of how vowed and non-vowed members enrich each other in the living, telling and supporting of the Mercy Story. It was gratefully recognised that charism is a gift given for the upbuilding of the people of God; that the charism of Mercy is at work in the lives of both lay and religious and that there is much that each has to offer the other. 

 The involvement of Associates and Circle of Mercy members in the living and exercising of the Mercy charism creates relationships of reciprocity and support. These relationships enrich all in deepening their spirituality through the lens of the charism and provide an opportunity for the re-imagining of the charism through a shared perspective, each calling forth in the other the unique gift we bring to the whole people of God. 

The presentations are available here as individual pdfs:


Horizons of the Charism - Mary Reynolds rsm


Circles of Mercy (Northern Province) - Catherine McEvoy

Process for Associates (South Central Province) - Bernadette O'Rourke rsm

Mercy Associates England, Scotland and Wales - Bridie Stephens rsm and Betty Larkin rsm

Further resources:UK Associate Website Irish Congregation Associate website

A very valuable contribution to the meeting was the presentation on Youth Mercy Associates in the UK. Their creative website is well worth a visit.

Messages to Mary Reynolds rsm -  Executive Director MIA