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Soup and Substance Lenten Programme (3): Let’s Live Lent!

Mercy International Association held its third gathering of the Soup and Substance Lenten programme on 8th March 2012.

In the third session, Carmel Bracken rsm and Kathleen Glennon rsm, two members of the Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy (Ireland), led the group through a reflective process on the new story of the universe and the interconnectedness of all forms of life.

You are invited to view the videos of Carmel’s presentation on Awakening to Interconnectedness and Kathleen’s presentation on the Universe Story. Kathleen’s power point presentation is available for your personal prayer and meditation, as is the handout distributed to the group gathered in Dublin.

Questions these presenters pose to fire your imagination are:
• What would a world be like based on a mindset that understood that all is One and Interconnected?
• How would human relationships, social justice, poverty, science, medicine, politics, the government, and the military be reframed according to consciousness-primary perspectives?

(Questions taken from Trish Pfeiffer, Prologue to Mind Before Matter.)

Messages to: Mary Purcell - Assistant Director Mercy Global Action

Note:All of the images in the power point presentation are from sites that grant use of their images, and those sites are listed on a credits page on the final slide.