This fascinating docu-drama set on locations in Perth, Fremantle, Guildford, Melbourne, Warrnambool and Port Fairy (Victoria, Australia) traces the events faced by Ursula Frayne and her pioneering companions. It reveals the social issues of early settlement in Perth and post gold rush Melbourne and highlights the same challenges calling for action today.
Ursula's faith and vision, and the tenacity with which she addressed the problems of disempowered people in her time will inspire viewers.
The story is told in 6 chapters:
-Voyage and Arrival in Australia
-The first Ten Years
-Coming to Melbourne
-Royal Commissions and Education Act
-The Years Pass, the Work Continues
-Death and Burial
Note: this DVD was originally released as a video. It is an edited version of the video - the school scenes with students have been removed. Duration 45'36"
Price: AUD$25.00