September 24, 2018
Mercy Day
[The Members and Board of MIA made a decision in 2010 to embark on a 3 year fundraising campaign to raise €20,000,000 between 1 January 2013 and 31 December 2015. In 2012 they appointed Mary Waskowiak rsm as the first MIA Director of Development-Fundraising. The following reviews the first 18 months of the 36 month initiative.]
In the Preface to Henri Nouwen’s book, The Spirituality of Fundraising, we read that 'Generosity begets generosity. This is especially true when it is rooted in the rich soil of relatedness.'
This report demonstrates the power of such generosity and relationship among all of us in the Mercy family.
On 30th June 2014 we will have completed 50% of our 3-year timeline for the campaign to raise €20,000,000 for the MIA Endowment. In the first 18 months of the campaign we have raised approximately 48% of the campaign goal.
How did we do this? Mercy congregations in 5 countries contributed generously from their congregational funds and raised about half of the €9+ million. Sponsored ministries and individuals in another country contributed the other half of the €9+ million.
Sisters of Mercy, Associates, Partners in Ministry, Co-Workers and Friends thrive in the rich soil of relationships, always with a heart and eye tuned into the needs of those who suffer throughout our world.
Australia and Great Britain are looking to initiate grassroots campaigns among the Sisters, Associates, Partners and Co-workers in Mercy. In America four grassroots campaigns are underway. The Mercy Health System, operating out of St. Louis Missouri, is running a grassroots campaign among employees. The campaign began in May and will culminate on Mercy Day 2014. Sister Sue Elliott rsm, Associate Director for Development-Fundraising, is overseeing 3 separate grassroots campaigns for Associates, for those in sponsored secondary schools and those in sponsored colleges and universities. Materials are available for those interested in starting their own campaigns. Contact:
Consider these facts: Donation requests through the post have dropped by 25% in the last 5
years. Online giving is growing across all age groups, except those over 70 years. Similarly, those
under 70 prefer to get their information by visiting websites or receiving emails, rather than physical
mail. The average 1-time online gift is twice the average mail gift. An integrated fundraising
strategy is vital to success.
See what we are doing: Visit - You will soon see donation opportunities for Mercy International Centre and Great Britain. The U.S. page is in place. Contact Mary Waskowiak at to enquire about adding your country donation page.
Attractive brochures, complete with country-specific information, will soon be available for use in America, Australia, Great Britain, Ireland, New Zealand, Newfoundland, the Philippines. The brochures would be useful for individuals, ministries and the variety of meetings hosted by Mercy. To receive the digital template for brochures, please contact:
A simple catalogue of available materials, including the Case Statement for fundraising, an 8 minute DVD highlighting two stories of Mercy’s response to suffering people and a folder of country-specific stories, can be emailed to interested persons. Contact:
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L-R: Mary Waskowiak rsm (MIA Director Fundraising-Development), Ron Ashworth (Chair MIA-USA Fundraising), Sue Elliott rsm (Associate Director for Development-Fundraising) |
Relationships, generosity, and Catherine McAuley’s trust in Providence, are the motivating power and inspiration for anyone whose name and passion is Mercy. Each one of us, no matter what our age, ministry or place in life, has the power and passion to do two things:
Imagine what we can do better together than alone – and run with Catherine’s everlasting legacy of union, charity and service. Generosity begets generosity and Mercy begets Mercy!
Messages to: Mary Waskowiak rsm - Director MIA Development-Fundraising