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MIJN - Visit to Papua New Guinea

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In July of this year Helen Owens Focal Point Person for the Asia Pacific Geographic Area of Mercy International Justice Network visited the Sisters of Mercy in Papua New Guinea as a part of the Mercy Justice collaboration in the Area.

The report has now been completed and contains a description of the visit together with an analysis of the venture, using a Human Rights Framework, that has been developed by Ife J. (2001). This framework, since it encompasses M.I.J.N. values, theories and practices, will be used as a vehicle of analysis and reflection for MIJN activities in the region. A key issue that emerged through this visit is the concern to address issues of violence in particular in relation to women and children. This is exactly in line with our MIJN conference resolution, 2001. The full report is posted on the Asia Pacific page of the M.I.J.N. website.