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Sacred Dance Weekend

Since the very beginning of time dance and movement have found a central place in many cultures and religious traditions as an ancient prayer form.Themes ofgratitude, praise, homecoming and reconciliation as well as communion with the divine weave their way through the movements and gestures. This weekend is an invitation to gently explore the religious dimensions of dance and experience movement as meditation and worship. It is also an invitation to be more fully in our bodies and more fully ourselves.

Caroline Kehoe holds an honours degree in Theology and aTraining in Sacred Dance. She has been teaching dance for almost ten years both in Ireland and abroad. At present Caroline teaches in All. Hallows ins. for Mission and Ministry in Dublin and also in Kimmage Missiontheology and Cultures. She is currently doing further studies with "AusbildunginstitutDes Tanzes" in Germany.

The Unfolding Self
A Retreat-Workshop
10th - 16th May 2002
Leaders: Norah Davey RSM, Paddy Dooher SSC

Out of his infinite glory, may he give you the power through his Spirit for your hidden self to grow strong" (Eph 3)

Psychosynthesis theory distinguishes between the "personal self", which is the centre of our conscious personality and the agent of our engagement with the world of people, events, work and God, and a "deeper (True) Self" which is the source of our whole personal being and which gives direction to our individual unfoldment through meaningful engagement with the world in which we live.

In this retreat-workshop, participants will have the opportunity, through a blend of meditative and reflective exercises, guided imagination and experiences of nature, to engage with the story of their own Self-unfolding in its past, present and future dimensions, in the light of the text quoted above.

Creative Retreat
19th - 26th July
Led by Father F Kelly C.M. and St Non's Team

The Greatest of these is Love 1Cor Ch 13

  • Get in touch with your deepest inner desires to love and be loved
  • Experience the love of God in His Word, in each other, in nature and sacred places
  • Opportunity for various types of Liturgies indoor and outdoor.

Located in West Wales - half hour drive from Fishguard Harbour

Transport can be arranged

For more information on St Non's Retreat Centre,
Click here...