September 24, 2018
Mercy Day
Part Four of the Complete Selection of Further Resources published in Mercy E-News throughout 2013. If you hadn't time throughout the year to read, watch and listen to these, you might like to do so over the Christmas holidays and before Mercy E-news returns on 22 January 2014.
Note: Timebound news items, including UN observances, conferences and other highlighted events, have been deleted and monthly links to newsletters such as Stop Trafficking and LCWR have been replaced by a link to the year's issues at the end of this page.
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Worth Watching:
Ecojustice and Cosmology
-'Five Ways to Develop “Ecoliteracy”'
In this article the authors explain to educators how to teach young people to care deeply about the environment using five practices developed by the Center for Ecoliteracy that 'plant the seeds for a positive relationship with the natural world that can sustain a young person's interest and involvement for a lifetime'. These 5 practices could be adopted by people of all ages:
1. Develop empathy for all forms of life
2. Embrace sustainability as a community practice
3. Make the invisible visible
4. Anticipate unintended consequences
5. Understand how nature sustains life
Read the article here. The article is adapted from the book 'Ecoliterate: How Educators Are Cultivating Emotional, Social, and Ecological Intelligence'. Find out more about the book here
-'Alberta Voices'. Stories of fracking in Alberta, Canada
Alberta Voices is a series of stories giving voice to those whose troubling experiences with hydraulic fracturing and associated activities may not have not been considered in Alberta’s discussion of oil and gas development.
The first story in text and film was uploaded on 24 September. Howard and Nielle Hawkwood are farmer / ranchers from Lochend, Alberta. They live on their Family Farm of 40 years. Surrounded by 70 unconventional wells, they have noticed changes in their land, livestock, and health since 2009... A case study of the human experience. View the video clip here (14:48)
Salt and Light media have just posted online the story behind the St John's Bible, the first hand written, hand illuminated Bible of its kind in 500 years. The Bible was commissioned in 1998 by the monks of Saint John's Abbey in Minnesota, US. Its creation took almost 11 years. The result? In the words of one of the interviewees, 'The illuminations give people another way of beginning to understand Scripture. They are meant to ignite the pastoral imagination. So people...are able to go deeply into the art, are able to imagine in a new way God's dream for them...' View the video clip here (07:40) Find out more at
-The article 'Thank you Monks' by Mary Valle in the latest issue of America online provides an apposite companion piece to the St John's Bible clip. Don't miss the invitation at the bottom of Valle's article to 'browse some works from the exhibit' at the Walters Art Museum in Baltimore which will enable you to 'go deeply into the art...'.
-'We must do the works of mercy, but with mercy. With my heart there'.
Pope Francis discussing the spirit of true charity while visiting the Italian island of Sardinia on 22 September, 2013. View the video clip here (02:46)
Worth Exploring:
On 15 September at the White House, Humanity United, the Department of Justice, the Department of Health and Human Services and the Department of Housing and Urban Development launched the Partnership for Freedom – a public-private partnership to spur innovative solutions to human trafficking challenges. Visit the site to learn about becoming engaged in providing a solution. For those living outside the US, the resources on the site may be of interest.These include the clip of President Obama's 2012 landmark speech on slavery, the first such speech by a sitting president since Abraham Lincoln. Visit the site here
Worth a Listen:
Yesterday was the International Day of Older Persons. The theme this year is The future we want: what older persons are saying. In a new book 'In Praise of Aging', released in Australia last week, the author, Patricia Edgar – sociologist, educator, writer, producer and policy analyst – challenges preconceptions about ageing, arguing that 50 is now the start of the second half of life … not the beginning of the end. Listen to an interview with Ms Edgar here (19:25) To have a look inside the text, or to purchase, visit Amazon Watch a short promotional clip here (1:06)
Worth Reading:
On Mercy
'...How do we accompany others in mercy, a quality difficult to define and even more difficult to live authentically?
The answer, perhaps, can be found in a wonderfully invented word from Pope Francis: mercy-ing. In turning the noun into a verb, a sentiment into an action, Francis calls us not only to have mercy or to show mercy, but to embody mercy. The word emphasizes the active element of mercy, as a force that binds us, compels us, and enables us to love one another more fully...' Read the article by Kerry Weber, Managing Editor of America
Human Trafficking
Human trafficking is a global problem
'The tragic drowning in the Mediterranean Sea of scores of African migrants is a painful reminder of the terrible humanitarian challenges caused by the developed world’s strict immigration policies and the vast, cynical trade in human trafficking that preys on those hoping to outwit the system...' Read the editorial here
Worth Taking a Minute:
Building for Tomorrow
In Issue 507 (27 March 2013) we included a link to the CBS programme 'God's Architect: Antoni Gaudi's glorious vision' which showed the development of La Sagrada Família church in Barcelona. Watch it here if you missed it (12:39).
Now the foundation responsible for the construction of the famous church has released a short video depicting the final stages of this extraordinary building. The breathtaking clip combines footage shot from a helicopter with computer-animated renderings to show what the basilica will look like as nearly 150 years of building (and delays) finally wraps up in 2026. Nearly 3.5 million views already and the clip has only been online two weeks. View it here (01:33) For more about the clip, look here
Worth Knowing:
International Day of the Girl
Worth Knowing:
International Conference on Human Trafficking
An international conference was held in Brussels on 30 September to mark the 65th anniversary of the United Nations Convention for the Suppression of Traffic in Persons and the Exploitation of the Prostitution of Others. Read the widely syndicated report here from the Times of Malta
Worth Doing Something About - Especially if you Teach Girls:
The Girl Declaration.
Check the site. Read the Girl Declaration - a call to action to put girls at the heart of the post-2015 development agenda. Invite your girls to speak up on behalf of girls all over the world who do not have a voice. Visit the site here
Worth Reading:
The Man Behind Avaaz
Chances are you've signed a petition that originated with this organisation, e.g., the international petition for peace and the quest to gain1,000,000 signatures (see Mercy e-news Issue 531, 11 September). Here's the founder, Ricken Patel's story. Changing the world one click at a time. Read it here (5pps)
Worth Thinking About:
Rich People Just Care Less
'Turning a blind eye. Giving someone the cold shoulder. Looking down on people. Seeing right through them.
These metaphors for condescending or dismissive behavior are more than just descriptive. They suggest, to a surprisingly accurate extent, the social distance between those with greater power and those with less...'
Read Daniel Goleman's article in the NY Times here
Worth Watching because there's sure to be a Mercy connection somewhere:
Amhrán na gCupán: The Cup Song (Pitch Perfect's "When I'm Gone")
Take dozens of school children of all ages with a great sense of rhythm, creative use of an equal number of plastic cups, a talented young lead singer, a tune that gets in your head...and this is what you get...Enjoy!
View the young people here (02:51)
Worth Reading:
Charismatic principles for modern religious
Mary Pellegrino, C.S.J., congregational moderator of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Baden, Pennsylvania, reflects on words spoken at the recent UISG meeting by Cardinal João Braz de Aviz, prefect of the Congregation of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Living. Read the article in America here
Worth a Look:
Atchison Blue: A Search for Silence, a Spiritual Home and a Living Faith
Judy Valente, professional broadcast journalist, contributing correspondent to Religion & Ethics Newsweekly and poet, accepted an invitation from the Benedictine Sisters in Atchison, Kansas to teach a course on poetry. She returned to Mount Saint Scholastica for an average of a week a month over a three-year period, desiring to cultivate an interior life, and entered there into the life of the community. It was, shares Valente in this recent interview on Chicago Tonight, a life-shifting visit. View the interview with Valente here and read an excerpt from her book (07:55) Purchase the book here (paperback and kindle editions)
Worth Viewing:
100 Women: What chance does a young girl have?
'When a young girl starts out in life, where will her journey take her? Will she have the same opportunities as the boys she grows up with? Will she face more dangers, or fight the same battles?'
Throughout October, the BBC's 100 Women season is looking at the world we live in today through the eyes of the women who make up half the world. Watch the very informative infographic animation on the 3.5 bn women in the world. View it here (02:50)
Malala Yousafzai's Jon Stewart interview
Interviewed on The Daily Show show on 11 October, 2013. View it here (16:11)
Worth Knowing:
Modern slavery
Anti-slavery charity Walk Free Foundation, ranked 162 countries on the number living in slavery, the risk of enslavement, and the strength of government responses to combating the illegal activity in the first ever 'Global Slavery Index' released last week. Modern Slavery includes slavery, slavery-like practices (such as debt bondage, forced marriage, and sale or exploitation of children), human trafficking and forced labour.
A key finding from this inaugural Index is that there are an estimated 29.8 million people enslaved around the world. Read the report here (136 pps) The Terminology, Overview and Methods of research are covered in the first 12 pages.
What have we done? How the changing climate is hitting the poorest hardest
Last week CAFOD released a new report into the effects of climate change. What have we done? How the changing climate is hitting the poorest hardest says that climate change is real, its effects are getting worse and the world’s poorest are suffering most. Read the report (16 pps), listen to a short interview on Vatican Radio and add your name to the 'Hungry for Change' campaign. Visit the CAFOD site here to take these actions
Worth Watching:
David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants by Malcolm Gladwell
We all know the story: David, a young shepherd armed only with a sling, beats Goliath, the mighty warrior. But do we know its meaning? Last month Gladwell told the story of David and Goliath on TED. Watch it here (15:41). It's engrossing. Listen to an extended interview on National Public Radio with Gladwell about the book here (18:34)
By now most readers would have read 'A Big Heart Open to God', the interview with Pope Francis published in America magazine. The interview on 'Charlie Rose', with Matt Malone SJ, Editor of America and Joseph McShane SJ, President of Fordham University, is a very informative conversation about the papal interview. Watch it here on Bloomberg (23:46)
Worth Reading:
Why We Don’t Care About Saving Our Grandchildren From Climate Change
A new study suggests that human beings are too selfish to endure present pain to avert future climate change. That's why we need win-win solutions now. Read the article here
“A billion reasons to believe in Africa: The long march from ‘the hopeless continent’ to ‘the spiritual lung of humanity'"
On 18 October, Agbinkhianmeghe E. Orobator SJ, Provincial of the Eastern Africa Jesuit Province, gave the 2013 CAFOD Pope Paul VI lecture at Kings College London. His talk was entitled '"A billion reasons to believe in Africa: The long march from ‘the hopeless continent’ to ‘the spiritual lung of humanity'".Orobator concluded his talk by saying that 'In spite of harmful stigmatization and stereotypical portrayal, Africa has defied formidable odds and demonstrated resilience and resolve borne on the courage and hope of a billion people. As should be clear, belief in Africa is first and foremost belief by Africans in Africa!' Read the talk here
I Am Malala: The Girl Who Stood Up for Education and Was Shot by the Taliban. Released 8 October
Available in the following editions: kindle, paperback, hardback, CD. Order from Amazon
Worth Hearing:
On Human Trafficking
Joan S. Dawber, S.C., talks about the work of LifeWay Network, an organization that seeks to combat human trafficking through the provision of safe housing and education. Podcast is available here
Worth a Look:
Eating Heaven: Spirituality at the Table
'A trained chef, teacher, social researcher, minister of religion and homemaker, Simon Carey Holt draws on experience and research to explore the role of eating in our search for meaning and community. To do so, he invites us to sit at the tables of daily life...and consider how our life at these tables interacts with our deepest values and commitments.'
There are References for each chapter plus suggestions for Further Reading
A pdf copy of the first chapter of Eating Heaven can be downloaded here
Available from bookshops in paperback or from Amazon in a kindle edition
Worth Watching:
Seán Freyne: Galilee, Jesus and Christology, The Shaffer Lectures, Yale Divinity School
Two great Irish men of letters died in August, 2013: Seamus Heaney (poet) and Seán Freyne (Theologian and Biblical Scholar). We highlighted the documentary on Heaney Seamus Heaney: Out of the Marvellous in Issue 530 (2 September 2013). Now it is Freyne's turn. This three lecture series given by Seán Freyne at Yale Divinity School in 2010 was uploaded to YouTube in February this year. The text links followed by the embedded videos of this series can be accessed here
The Overview Effect
'The Overview Effect, first described by author Frank White in 1987, is an experience that transforms astronauts’ perspective of the planet and mankind’s place upon it. Common features of the experience are a feeling of awe for the planet, a profound understanding of the interconnection of all life, and a renewed sense of responsibility for taking care of the environment.
‘Overview’ is a short film that explores this phenomenon through interviews with five astronauts who have experienced the Overview Effect. The film also features insights from commentators and thinkers on the wider implications and importance of this understanding for society, and our relationship to the environment...' Watch it here (19:00)
Worth Reading:
'A Disturbing Truth: the Church, the poor, and Oscar Romero'
Timothy Radcliffe OP, former Prior General of the Dominican Order, gave the Romero 2013 lecture with this title last week at Westminster Abbey, (29 October) Manchester (31 October) and Edinburgh (1 November). Read the lecture here
Worth Knowing:
10 Facts About The Transforming Global Religious Landscape
Ten things to know about the current state of religion in today's world. From the Pew Research Center's Forum on Religion & Public Life demographic study of over 230 countries and territories in 2012, Read it here
Worth Hearing:
Simone Campbell, SSS
Sister Simone Campbell, leader of the “Nuns on the Bus” shared her thoughts about current economic conditions, including a brief history of economics in the United States, and how faith fits into the picture in a talk given at Trinity Episcopal Cathedral.
She concluded her talk on Nov. 16 by sharing what those themes mean for people who care about their nation, families, and cities, and what they can do to make a difference. Listen to the talk here (1:26:37)
Worth Taking the Virtual Tour:
The Catacombs
Google maps unveiled their latest project this week - a digital map of the Catacombs of Priscilla.
The Catacombs were underground chambers and tunnels carved in the volcanic rock under Rome, and used for Christian burials from late in the second through the fourth centuries. More than 40 have been discovered. They were decorated with wall paintings of saints and Christian symbols. Archaeologists are continueing to explore them and some are currently undergoing restoration work. Take the virtual tour here
Worth Knowing:
Religions for Peace (RfP) speak out against Climate Change
Religions for Peace (RfP) 'Different Faiths, Common Action' convened its 9th World Assembly, attended by 600 religious leaders, from 20-22 November 2013 in Vienna, Austria. Videos uploaded from the Conference Speakers and presenters can be found here Christy Brown of Louisville delivered the keynote address urging faith leaders to care for the earth. Excerpts from her address can be found here. The Huffington Post report on the talk can be read here
The Pope says NOPE (Not on Planet Earth) to Fracking and Mega-mining
Most Americans Don’t Know What Fracking Is
An informative article in the to help us all understand it. Read it here
The people who brought us the video 'Fracking explained: opportunity or danger', previously featured in Mercy E-news, have just released 'Climate Change & the Global Conveyor Belt'. Watch it here (5:05)
Human Trafficking
Polaris Project Release longitudinal study on Trafficking
Some 9,000 US cases between 2008 and 2012 are analyzed in a report released last Thursday (21/11) by the Polaris Project, the organization that operates the national trafficking hot line. Among the findings: Children were victims in 33 percent of sex trafficking cases and 20 percent of labor trafficking cases. Read the Report here
The Freedom Project
CNN ihas joined the fight to end modern-day slavery by shining a spotlight on the horrors of modern-day slavery, amplifying the voices of the victims, highlighting success stories and helping unravel the complicated tangle of criminal enterprises trading in human life. Read why they are doing this. Find out more. Keep up to date
Worth Watching
Brené Brown
Brené Brown, research professor at the University of Houston Graduate College of Social Work, has spent the past twelve years studying vulnerability, courage, worthiness, and shame. We 'introduced' her to Mercy E-news readers in Issue 510 (17 April 2013) speaking on 'The Power of Vulnerability'. In this video of her recent presentation,'Why your critics aren't the ones who count', at the 99U conference, Brené shows us how to deal with the critics and our own self-doubt by refusing to “armor up” and shut ourselves off. View the presentation here (22:40)
David Steindl-Rast OSB
We all want to be happy. It is gratefulness that makes us happy says Benedictine Brother David Steindl-Rast, a monk and interfaith scholar. His recently posted talk on TED has been described as 'An inspiring lesson in slowing down, looking where you’re going, and above all, being grateful.' You decide. View it here (14:30) A reading and viewing list on the theme has also been compiled. See it here.
Worth Knowing
Documentaries turn the camera on Sisters
NCR reports that a growing number of films focusing on the lives of women religious are currently drawing viewer interest. Among these is the film 'Sisters' produced by Carol Rittner rsm, previously highlighted in Mercy E-News. Read the NCR article here. Watch the documentary 'Sisters' here
Worth Listening to:
Marilynne Robinson (author of Gilead)
Marilynne Robinson delivered the sixth Theos Annual Lecture on 28th November 2013 at One Birdcage Walk, Westminster, on Religion in Contemporary America. You can listen to the lecture, until 2nd January 2014. Listen here (1:31:21)
Worth Watching:
Human Trafficking
The campaign to end human trafficking is comparable to that of the campaign for the emancipation of women and like that campaign, it will not succeed until people pressure their governments to take action, said Anne Gallagher, a former UN adviser on human trafficking, in an interview following her keynote address on the first day of the Trust Women conference (3-4 December) in London.Watch the videos from that conference here which address the themes of moderrn-day slavery and human trafficking.
Worth Reading:
Human Trafficking
-The Human Trafficking Cycle: Sinai and Beyond
This report, released in Brussels, 4 December 2013, by Prof. Mirjam van Reisen, Meron Estefanos and Prof. Conny Rijken, focuses on the trafficking of refugees from the Horn of Africa who are targeted by criminal networks for extortion and exploitation. The report looks at the experiences of the refugees who have fled their countries looking for safety and security. Download the Report here. Length 238 pages PDF For an outline of the Report, read the article in Social Watch
-Thousands of women and children in the Philippines risk falling prey to human traffickers in the aftermath of last month's catastrophic typhoon, lawmakers and the chief US aid agency warned Tuesday. Read the article here
Worth Referring to:
Fracking: How is it done? And when is it used?
ABC Online (Australia) has produced an article addressing these questions which includes a useful diagram showing fracking as a mining technique for extracting gas from coal seams and shale deposits
Worth Watching
Age to Age - An Advent Prayer
The Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart Congregation (Australia) has posted this contemporary reflection for Advent to the song 'In Every Age' by Janet Whittaker Sullivan. Watch it here (04:12)
Michael Leunig (Australian poet, cartoonist and cultural commentator) & Fr David Ranson (Lecturer in Spirituality) on "Faith and Grace in Everyday Life". Filmed in conversation in April 2013. Watch it here (1:18:04)
Salt + Light producers have produced a television and web based series. Their goal: 'to inspire people and get them talking about the faith, to share stories of the New Evangelization, and to highlight the broad and inclusive nature of Catholicism and its rich tradition'.
A 13 episode series, episode11: The Consecrated Life has just screened. All previous shows are available on the web. Access the series here
Human Trafficking
The band 'For Today' will release its next album 'Fight the Silence' on 4 February with the video for the title track raising awareness about human trafficking. The clip was directed by Daniel Davidson (August Burns Red, Norma Jean). A useful resource with secondary (second level) students and older, the clip is already online. View it here (03:50) The clip ends with the address of a website against human trafficking Check out the site. Educators in the USA: details of a forthcoming high school curriculum resource, Bodies Are Not Commodities, can be found on the site here
Worth Reading
Human Trafficking
In a comprehensive article marking the International Day of Human Trafficking in the Philippines (12 December), NCR reports on the work of religious women to combat human trafficking. Read the article here
Meeting last week with 17 newly appointed ambassadors to the Holy See, Pope Francis encouraged them to work together, regardless of creed, against the “slavery” of human trafficking. Read the article and listen to the report of this meeting on Vatican Radio here
Asylum Seekers
The former Chief Justice of Australia, Sir Gerard Brennan, condemns politicians' approach to asylum seekers. Read the report in The Guardian here Sir Gerard's speech can be accessed here
Worth Considering
'Sister' the film
The makers of the film 'Sister' are looking for a new title for their film so they are hosting an online contest to gather ideas. They are also looking for funding to help complete the film. Watch the trailer here (03:41). Visit the site to enter the contest
Worth Looking out for
Documentary on Human Trafficking
'Tricked' is a newly released feature documentary that considers the ever evolving sex trafficking landscape. Visit the website to see the promotional clip (01:47) and to learn more. Visit the site here
Worth Looking here if you haven't read these this week
Pope Francis
Pope Francis - why he has been named person of the year. Time explains. Watch and read the explanation here
Nelson Mandela
Mandela's passing: a time for self-reflection.
Barak Obama's speech delivered in memory of Nelson Mandela in Johannesburg, South Africa on December 10. Read it here
A Christmas-Epiphany Reflection on 'Evangelii Gaudium'
Read the reflection here
Look Upon Asylum Seekers with Compassion and Mercy
The Institute of Sisters of Mercy of Australia and Papua New Guinea (ISMAPNG) Refugee & Asylum Group invites all Mercy E-news readers to let Australia's political leaders know how you feel about the negative manner in which asylum seekers are portrayed and the cruel way in which they are being treated by Australia's political environment. Download the card, affix a stamp and send it to the Prime Minister, Tony Abbott
Read the statement and download the card here
Re-telling the Christmas Story
Each year the children from St Paul's Anglican Church in Auckland retell the Christmas story and post it on YouTube. These are always excellent productions. Here's this year's production (04:39) Our favourite, however, is still the 2010 version. Definitely worth watching. See it here if you've not watched it previously (03:53)
Stop Trafficking
LCWR Newsletter. Note: January 2014 issue now online