September 24, 2018
Mercy Day
That issue was introduced as "The first regular weekly Mercy email among our group." One focus for this email was" to promote the importance of the web site as a place for informing sisters around the world of current Mercy events."
The first recipients were invited "to contribute the news of your congregation or regional community to the web site in the latest News section... to help build a global sense of Mercy".
This issue (no 477) marks the first issue in the twelfth year of publication. There are now many many thousands of readers across the 42 countries in which Sisters of Mercy live and minister, who look forward to the news arriving in their email each Wednesday. Readership has broadened significantly from those first hundred sisters to include all members of the wider Mercy network: associates, family members, friends, members of other religious orders, partners in ministry, former congregation members, current and past students, staffs and employees, to name just some of our groups of faithful readers.
Today provides an opportunity for us to once more thank all those who have supported this enewsletter over the years - you have helped make Mercy E-News a very successful weekly publication. We renew our ongoing invitation to you to share your Mercy events, ideas, actions, connections, opportunities, resources and weblinks through the weekly Mercy E-News, and to let others in your Mercy network know of its existence if they don't already receive our enewsletter each Wednesday.
Messages to: Mary Reynolds rsm - Executive Director MIA