September 24, 2018
Mercy Day
While the Leader Members were gathered in Dublin for the Annual General Meeting of the Members and Board of Mercy International Association, they took the opportunity to meet with Mary Sullivan rsm to express appreciation for her research and publishing of The Path of Mercy – The life of Catherine McAuley.
Patricia Bell rsm, Chair Member MIA, in thanking Mary for this significant contribution to our Mercy heritage said,
"We feel extremely blessed to have asked you all those years ago to take on the task of writing 'The Path of Mercy'. Your scholarship is evident in every page, as is your humour and humanity. Years of perseverance and hard work have nourished the relationship you have with Catherine as a companion on your journey, and I am sure as a spiritual guide. Your dedication to the life of Catherine and your determination to capture that life in print is an inspiration to all.
What a gift to the Mercy world, to each individual Sister and Mercy colleague, and to the wider society who need to know this woman – a woman, who like yourself was a prolific writer. The Biography and the Letters give us a picture of a rounded vibrant woman who is alive in each of us and a model on which we can base our lives."
The Leaders presented Mary with an engraved Irish crystal plaque to acknowledge the gift to Mercy World of 'The Path of Mercy'.
l- r Mary Sullivan rsm receiving plaque from Patricia Bell rsm