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Mercy and Presentation Sisters – Common Lobbying of Irish delegation to Rio + 20 (MGA)

The Mercy Sisters and Presentation Sisters in Ireland are jointly seeking a meeting with officials from the Department of the Environment who will be the official delegation at the Rio + 20 meeting. Both Congregations have been lobbying the United Nations and national governments on common issues.

Both Congregations are committed to advance an ethical and equitable global vision that promotes ecological and social integrity, the global common good and the well-being of all.

We are lobbying to ensure Rio+20 reaffirmation of the Rio Principles, especially Common but Differentiated Responsibilities between developed and Devoplong Countries, Polluter Pays Principle, and Principle 10.
Both Congregations want to see strengthening of engagement with civil society and public participation in decision making. They call for local communities, especially Peasant Farmers, Indigenous Peoples and Fisherfolk to be included as active participants and enabled to own their own land, harvest and exchange their own seeds and supported in their practice of sustainable agriculture.

We emphasis the need for the principle of equity to be realized and support a rights based approach to sustainable development, including the human right to water and sanitation, food , and the right to development.

Both argue for a commitment to address the exploitation of resources of developing countries e.g. 99year leases by national and foreign corporate entities of land titles i.e. of densely forested areas in PNG for logging purposes or current mining industry practices.

Finally Mercy Sisters and Presentation Sisters emphasise the need for effective Leadership and Political Will and holding Governments and Transnational Corporations accountable for implementing practices and policies that invest in and support the common good.

Informed by the life experiences of the people with whom we minister as Mercy or Presentation sisters, we have asked to speak to the official Irish delegation to Rio on issues related to human rights, equity, coherence and the implementation of outcomes.

We will keep you informed of the outcome.

The Executive Director at Edmund Rice International has just indicated to us that he would also be interested in the joint lobbying of the official delegation to Rio + 20. Edmund Rice International has produced a submission on Rio + 20 with principles similar to those being advocated by the Mercy and Presentation Sisters




Messages to Mary Purcell - Assistant Director Mercy Global Action