September 24, 2018
Mercy Day
On Saturday, April 25th 2009, at a Symposium on Catherine McAuley, which will be held in the Iontas Centre in Castleblayney, Co Monaghan, Ireland, a CD on the letters of Venerable Catherine McAuley will be launched. The CD is the brain child of the canonisation committee for the Cause of Catherine McAuley and it comes as a result of popular demand by sisters, associates and colleagues who, having come to know Catherine and the Charism of Mercy in some depth, are eager to meet this holy woman more personally. It is hoped that the CD will encourage people to read Catherine's letters in full.
The CD consists of a short description of Catherine McAuley's life, excerpts from some of her letters which are preceded by a contextual explanation and followed by a description of how the charism of Mercy, initiated through Catherine, continues to find expresssion in the world of today. Music, composed and played in the main by Sisters of Mercy or associates, accompanies the reading of the letters. Catherine's humanity and her holiness shine through each and every track of the CD.
The CD is beautifully presented and since each track is complete in itself it allows for great flexibility in use. Listen for yourself and you will find through it, a help for prayer, a challenge to trust God, an inspiration to reach out in love to others, a support when times are difficult. Catherine McAuley's example of a life lived for God and others is timeless.
Click here to download the order form
Messages to Brenda Dolphin rsm Postulator
Orders to Ailish O'Brien rsm The Congregation Communications Co-ordinator