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Soup and Substance Lenten Series

Lent is a time when we are called to renew our lives. It puts before us the remedy of prayer, fasting and almsgiving, which today can be called ‘compassion in action’. These three strands of Lenten observance are as old as Christianity itself. There is no substitute for them. It is said that “fasting is the soul of prayer, mercy is the life-blood of fasting.”

This year the Mercy International Association’s Luncheon series will focus on Mercy Global Action’s two major themes, Opposing Human Trafficking and Cosmology and Eco Justice in a theological reflection process. Participants will be invited to substitute their lunch with a complimentary bowl of soup and to make a contribution of their regular lunch money to any of the causes presented. The following are the themes and presenters:

Opposing Human Trafficking

Thurs 23rd Feb
Human Trafficking - What can we do
Presenter: Sheila Crowley,
Services Manager, Ruhama

Thurs 1st March
The Human story of Trafficking
Presenter: Mary Ryan rsm

Thurs 29th March
Working with others to combat Trafficking
Presenter : Mick Quinn, Assistant Principal, Anti-Human Trafficking Unit, Department of Justice and Equality Ireland

Cosmology/Eco Justice

Thurs 8th March
Awakening to Interconnectness
Presenter: Carmel Bracken rsm and Kathleen Glennon

Thurs 15th March
Hydrofracking—should we be concerned?
Presenter: Tanya Jones
Fermanagh Fracking Awareness Network

Thurs 22nd March
The challenge of  Sustainable Living
Presenter: Eamon Ryan
Leader of Green Party, Ireland