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International Good Cup of Tea Event

In aid of Mercy International Association

What is the Mercy Good Cup of Tea about?

In her last moments Catherine McAuley directed that the Sisters would have a good cup of tea together in the community room, after she had gone. On the 11/11/11, the 170th anniversary of her death, we are planning an international‘ Good Cup of Tea’. It is a fundraising event to help us keep the spirit of Catherine alive in our world to-day. We invite people across the Mercy world – in communities, schools, hospitals and places of ministry or any other chosen place to organize and hold a ‘Good Cup of Tea’ event, where donations on the day are made to Mercy International Association.

What's it all for?

Whether you raise $20, $200 or $2,000, you will be part of a worldwide event that really does make a difference. This is what you will enable us to do:

  • Provide a homespace in Catherine’s original house where all associated with Mercy can be welcomed home and refreshed at the wellspring of Mercy
  • Communicate the Mercy story on a global scale
  • Bring the case studies of marginalized people supported by Mercy Ministries to decision making bodies such as the UN and change policies with regard to their rights

How to Organize your good Cup of Tea Event

  • Decide on a Date: The official date for the event is 11/11/11 but you can choose a date that suits you. You may even decide on a season, e.g. a series of events from Mercy Day to Foundation Day
  • Plan for a get together - a community evening, a gathering with friends, a parish or workplace event, or any other.
  • Why not use the occassion to have some special Mercy input – a talk on Catherine, information about Mercy in the world today, a Mercy inspired prayer. Remember there are many suitable resources available on
  • If you wish, enhance the get together with
    entertainment – music, singing, fancydress,etc.
  • Publicise the event, issue invitations, ask for donations


Make Mercy International Association aware of your plans to hold a ‘Good Cup of Tea’ event by messaging us at . We will keep you updated on further support materials we may produce and advise you of new information as it becomes available on the mercyworld website

Widening the Circle

Can you widen our circle of friends by helping us to build a data base of possible supporters. We would greatly appreciate E-mail addresses of Potential Supporters , Schools, Hospitals, Other places of Ministry to which we can send information on the event and invitations to join. If so send contact details to us at

Messages to Mary Reynolds rsm - Executive Director MIA