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Mercy Investment Services launches human trafficking initiative

Imagine being taken to a strange country where your employer requires you to work long hours under threats of deportation, without breaks, and makes you sleep on the floor. Even worse, imagine being held against your will and sexually exploited, as your abductor sells you to any number of the thousands of visitors attending major sporting events or large conferences.

With more than 12 million human trafficking victims around the world, stories like these are all too common across the globe.

As part of the Sisters of Mercy’s concern for women and children, Mercy Investment Services has been actively working with corporations to improve their policies and identify human trafficking victims within their industries. As a consumer, you can help Mercy Investment Services have a greater impact on company policy.

By notifying the hotels at which you stay of your concern for human trafficking, you can take an active role in ending this tragedy. Mercy Investment Services offers a standard letter that identifies your relationship with Mercy and your request for the hotel to address this in its practices and policies. Please visit to print your letter. You’ll be asked to fill out a short form identifying the hotel at which you’re staying. This information will help our social responsibility staff follow up with the hotel regarding their practices. Thank you for helping Mercy Investment Services to raise corporate awareness and implement the changes needed to end human trafficking.

Messages to Pat Zerega - Director of Shareholder Advocacy