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The Mercy Charism and the Interconnectedness of all of Life

Over the last while from our many reflections on Mercy spirituality, justice and the ever evolving image of God, we have come to the conclusion that the heart and soul of our Congregation, our charism, is justice ministry. We, however, asked ourselves if we needed a new understanding of justice, one that embraces justice in its widest sense, as we give life to all the areas of justice that shape our vision and our Mercy ministry.

Looking at our Chapter Statement 2006, we note that we have committed ourselves to “engage with the questions and struggles of our time, conscious of the interconnectedness of all life,” and that this umbrella or web of connections holds everything that we mean when we describe justice work, whether it is about healing the wounds of people or the wounds of the earth. When we care for and are just to the earth and the systems that support our universe, then we truly care for and are just to all its life forms and the reverse is true. This integration of justice and a committed belief in the interconnectedness of all of life is the context from which all our Mercy ministries flow.

Already there is much going on to support this vision in the Congregation with education and formation of membership happening along side various initiatives by Sisters and in cooperation with others. These are evident in all seven of our provinces throughout the Congregation.

The “Sceal na Cruinne” /Universe Story group is one example of people coming together to support and resource ways of living out this vision/ this context for all of life. We are pleased to share this little vignette of one such group found here in Ireland.

( Susan DeGuide)
Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy (Ireland)