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Global Action Lived Locally: Introduction

Throughout 2010, Mercy World E-News featured a series: Where Sisters of Mercy Minister. This series provided background information on the ministry of Sisters of Mercy in each of the 46 countries and territories where Sisters of Mercy are presently located

These profiles are available in the News Centre section of the Mercy World web platform  which is fully searchable. To look for a country of interest, simply type the country’s name in the “keyword” and you will find the relevant article in the series. Excerpts of these profiles are also consolidated together on an interactive map that shows the location of Mercy ministry. You can find the interactive map in the Mercy Network section of the Mercy World web platform.  To access a description of the ministry in a particular country, simply click on the country’s name.

In this 2011 calendar year, Mercy World E-News will feature a related series: Global Action Lived Locally. In this series, specific ministry sites will be featured. Most will begin with a short description of the need or global injustice that is being addressed by the Mercy community followed by the activities of the featured ministry site. Each feature will be contextualized by the commitment of the Mercy congregation/institute involved in the featured ministry.

The series Global Action Lived Locally begins this week, featuring the commitment of the Sisters of Mercy of Newfoundland and how their commitment is embodied by Marion Collins rsm and other Sisters of Mercy in Ichocan, Peru.

We hope that you are inspired by the lives and ministry featured in this series. Each ministry featured provides a snapshot of the good work that Sisters of Mercy, Associates, and Partners-in-Ministry are doing worldwide to respond to the needs and injustices of our world. You may know of a good work that deserves to be featured in this series, and we welcome your suggestions.

To nominate a ministry, e-mail Mary Kay Dobrovolny rsm with some background on the ministry and the needs/injustices it addresses.