September 24, 2018
Mercy Day
On this great feast we rejoice in the message of the angels: Peace to God’s people on earth! Our spirits and hearts long for that peace as we struggle to bring and find peace in the midst of war, displacement of peoples, oppression of the vulnerable- especially women and children, rape of the earth and many and varied forms of injustice.
Conscious of our call, each of the Mercy families worldwide has committed to be instruments of peace to God’s people and channels of God’s Mercy to a suffering world. In this season that celebrates Emmanuel – God with us- let us ponder the commitments we have made and ask for a renewed energy in making these commitments a reality in our world.
These are the promises we, the Mercy family have made:
“Centred in the God of Mercy, we will engage with the questions and struggles of our time. Conscious of the interconnectedness of all life, together we will refocus our Mercy Mission, committing our lives and resources to the alleviation of extreme poverty in all its forms, acting collaboratively at local and global levels.”
“Nga Whaea Atawhai o Aotearoa Sisters of Mercy New Zealand, centred in God, impelled to be Mercy, keeping hope alive in our world today.”
“Animated by our Mercy call and by living reflectively, we will reverence the earth and its peoples by engaging creatively with the needs of our time both locally and globally.”
“By our Fourth Vow we are committed to the poor, sick and underprivileged. True to the spirit and example of Catherine our primary focus is on the welfare of women and children.”
“We today, faithful to the spirit of Catherine, strive to bring the merciful, gentle, compassion of our God to the current, the unmet and the emerging needs of our advanced technological, consumer driven and materialistic society. We are aware of the confusion, darkness and alienation in our society and we desire to be a merciful presence for all who cross our path.”
“ We commit ourselves as a community to Christ and the Gospel values in solidarity with the poor and the thrust of the local church, mediating the merciful Christ to the people through the education apostolate, apostolate to the sick, social apostolate, and parish involvement."
May the peace of the new born Savior be with us!
May the joy of the angels find voice in us!
May the gift of God be given to all whom we serve!
(Adopted from Morning &Evening Prayer of the Sisters of Mercy)