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Mercy International Association Assistant Director Position

Mercy International Association (MIA) is currently recruiting an Assistant Director Global Action.

The purpose of the role is to co-ordinate MIA’s global action programme. The successful candidate, while carrying responsibility for this particular area,  will work within an MIA team structure and will integrate the work with other areas of MIA activity, including Heritage, Spirituality, Communications, Administration and Finance.

Key qualities required to successfully fill this role include team skills coupled with an inclusive, compassionate, diplomatic and effective manner. The successful candidate will have highly developed oral and written communication skills, as well as an understanding of interactive technology as a way to network.

A passion for justice and relief of global poverty, the ability to think systemically, an understanding of the need for spiritual and theological underpinning of the work and an appreciation of the interconnectedness of all life are essential requirements.

Please apply to:
Sister Mary Reynolds, rsm
Executive Director, Mercy International Association
64a Lower Baggot Street, Dublin 2, Ireland
Tel: +353 1 6618061

Include curriculum vitae and names and contact information of three persons who are willing to support your application.

Closing Date for Applications: 7th January, 2011