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The 4th area of the new web platform which you are invited to tour is Heritage. This has nine distinct parts.

The Introduction gives an overview of the heritage resources of MIA. The Archives section provides two papers Archives: What and Why? and Standards for Archives as well as a report on the Archivists Conference and the presentations made at that Conference in November 2009. In the Mercy International Research you will find general information on research conducted by the Mercy International Research Committee and a report on the International Research Conference held in November 2007. The theme of the Conference ‘Fire Cast on the Earth- Kindling’: Being Mercy in the twenty-first century is expanded in 16 papers and presentations delivered at the Conference – all of which are available in this section.

The section on Foundations gives the dates and names of foundresses of many Mercy Foundations between 1840 and 1997 while the Foundresses piece features stories of Mercy foundations from all over the world which were originally told by Mercy Archivists at the 2003 MIA Archivists' Conference. The Heritage Centers section provides links to other Mercy Heritage centres around the world and the Mercy Bibliography is an attempt to list all the published books and articles written by or about the Sisters of Mercy since the founding of the Congregation in 1831 through 2005. Mercy Facts records an important fact or event for each day of the year and Mercy Quotes offers a thought or reflection for each day of the year also.