September 24, 2018
Mercy Day
On Thursday, June 20, the Mercy International Centre staff honoured Agnes Gleeson (Melbourne, Australia), outgoing Archivist, who has ministered at the Centre for the past three years. During this time, Agnes has contributed to the ongoing development and preservation of our Mercy heritage and to the life of the team. With her musical giftedness, she has enriched our prayer, liturgical and cultural life.
The team and friends of Agnes gathered in prayer and ritual in the garden to recognize on behalf of the world of Mercy, the gifts which Agnes has so generously contributed during her three years tenure. Part of the ritual included a ceremony around the rill in which Agnes heard named the particular gifts she brought to the ministry and community of Mercy International. In turn, Agnes was invited, through the pouring of water into the rill, to return these gifts to the world of Mercy. A colourful cincture, representing the nine threads of life, was woven. These threads are: peace of mind, truth of speech, timeliness of action, success of deed, prosperity of work, health of body, courage of spirit, compassion of heart, and wisdom of soul. The cincture, a sign of protection, was placed around Agnes by Rosie Carroll.
A progressive and lively dinner party followed in the MIC dining room.
Agnes completes her time at Mercy International on June 30. On behalf of the world of Mercy we give deep thanks knowing that Catherine will enfold Agnes in her love as she goes on her way.
The team members are starting from the left back row: Patricia March (Newfoundland), Helen White (Australia), Rosie Carroll, Director (Australia), Pauline Clifford, (US), Middle Row: Ruth Mulligan (US), Agnes Gleeson (Australia), Anne Reid (Ireland) Front Row: Breda Burke (Ireland)