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Mercy International Association Appointments

The recently advertised positions for MIA Assistant Directors attracted applicants with a wide range of skills and experience. Having interviewed a shortlisted number of the applicants, the Interview Board was satisfied that the MIA Vision and Strategic Plan will be best served at this time by the skill mix of two Assistant Directors and a Consultative Adviser.

Sr. Sylvia Williams and Sr. Mary Kay Dobrovolny have been selected as Assistant Directors and Sr. Adele Howard as Consultative Communications Adviser. Mary Kay will take up the role of Assistant Director Heritage and Spirituality and Sylvia will take up the role of Assistant Director Administration and Finance. While an appointment has not been made of an Assistant Director Global Action, global concern and outreach will be an integral part of the activities of MIA as the Vision continues to be interpreted.

The new team, when it meets in the coming months, will review how this can best be achieved and will allocate responsibilities in such a way that the elements of the Strategic Plan in relation to Global Action will be advanced.

Mary Kay Dobrovolny is a member of the Institute of Sisters of Mercy of the Americas. She has taught theology and scripture and was a director in the Campus Ministry programmes She combines Scriptural and Theological Studies with a focus on issues relating to people in need, especially in the area of homelessness and housing.



Sylvia Williams is a member of the Institute of Sisters of Mercy Australia, Melbourne Congregation. She has fulfilled many leadership roles in Catholic Education and has vast experience of Administration including the management of Human Resources, Finance and Property. She has represented both the Mercy Congregation and other Congregations on several educational and employment bodies.


Adele Howard is the Director of Fraynework Multimedia which specialises in assisting organisations to identify and communicate their values and their purpose through digital media. She is a member of the Institute of Sisters of Mercy Australia, Melbourne Congregation. She has worked as a teacher and lectured in the areas of Theology, Spirituality and Australian Studies and has been a founder member with and convenor of MIACOM.


They will formally take up their roles in November, and following a time of Visioning and Planning, a programme and plan for the coming year will be launched on December 12th 2009.

Messages to Mary Reynolds rsm Executive Director