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Results of the Chapter of Election (Americas)

Sister Mary Waskowiak (Burlingame) - has been elected President of the Institute of the Sisters of Mercy of the Americas. This election returns her to the ILT, where she served as a councilor from 1991 to 1999, and concludes her service as president of the Burlingame regional community, a position she has held since 2003.

Sister Patricia McDermott (Omaha) - has been elected vice president,continuing her service on the Institute's leadership team, where she has served as councilor for the past six years.

Sister Linda Werthman (Detroit) - has been elected a councilor. Linda comes to this position after serving seven years as president of the Detroit regional community.

Sister Anne Curtis (Rochester) - was elected a leadership team councilor after serving as a lobbyist for six years at NETWORK, a Catholic social justice lobby.

Sister Eileen Campbell (Merion) - has been elected as a councilor for the leadership team after serving 10 years as executive director of Mercy Volunteer Corps.

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Messages to Anne Boyle - Communications Director


New Institute Leadership Team — from left, Sisters Eileen Campbell, Linda Werthman, Vice President Patricia McDermott, Anne Curtis, and President Mary Waskowiak.