September 24, 2018
Mercy Day
'We live in a world of unquenchable thirst where every nation must drink from the same well'
During MIRP, 52 of the 152 groups that reported back on an issue to do with Degradation of Earth chose Water. That's one in three; recognition of the crisis the world is facing. Today, 40% of the world's people are affected by water scarcity.
We invite you to watch and reflect on 'Water’s Promise: Making Every Drop Count' (03:56) and to consider in what ways you, too, might 'turn off...the waste, turn, and turn up...the volume on the water dialogue.
On this day we remember in our prayer the parts of our globe where water is in desperate need to satiate thirst, to nurture crops, for cleansing, to fight fires.. and those places experiencing an excess of water due to severe rain or heavy flooding.
Post your own Prayer or Reflection in our online Chapel
Messages to: Mary Reynolds rsm - CEO MIA
Image: iStock. used under licence