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Fundraising at Mercy International Centre

Women’s Mini-Marathon 2007

A group from the Mercy International Centre (MIC) entered the Annual event of the Flora Women’s Mini-Marathon on the bank holiday of the 4th June. It was estimated that more than 40,000 women representing charities from all parts of Ireland participated in the 10km walk. All members of the MIC group completed the marathon receiving a silver medal at the end of the walk for their achievement. The funding raised through this event will enable us to purchase a sound system for the chapel.

Back(L to R): Colette Baldwin rsm, Caitlin Conneely rsm, Julie Horvath rsm, Lynne Messer,
Front: Madeleine O’Hanlon, Carita Irwin rsm, Anne Reid, Pat Wood rsm
Missing from the photo: Mary McEnearney rsm

Donations to Mercy International Centre

The Mercy Association of the Mid-Atlantic Region of the Americas recently sponsored a 175th Anniversary Tea, hosted by none other than Catherine Mc Auley herself! The purpose of the gathering was to raise funds to purchase a sound system for the Chapel in the Mercy International Centre (MIC). One hundred and nine people gathered for the event. Noel Keller rsm, who was one of the organisers of the event, commented, “We were all happy to do something for Catherine.” Anne Reid, Associate member of the Mid-Atlantic Region, presented a cheque for $3914.00 (€2858.40), to the Director of MIC, Caitlín Conneely RSM. Caitlín expresses gratitude to Sister Noel and the Mid Atlantic Region Associates for their generous donation.

Anne Reid (right) presenting the cheque to Caitlín Conneely RSM

Mercy International Centre also expresses gratitude to the Mercy Associates from NYPPaW Region. Sr. Nancy Whitley presented a cheque on their behalf.

Messages to Pat Wood rsm Heritage