September 24, 2018
Mercy Day
How do we share our Mercy charism and hospitality of the heart? A growing number of Sisters of Mercy and Associates are choosing to share the charism of Catherine McAuley by welcoming their colleagues in ministry into Catherine's own house on Baggot Street, Dublin (now Mercy International Centre or MIC).
Mercy International CentreIn October, Sr. Doris Gottemoeller (Americas/Cincinnati) and facilitator Sr. Sheila Carney (Americas/Pittsburgh) accompanied Doris' colleagues from the Cincinnati Healthcare Partners to Dublin for a conference on mission which was hosted at MIC. Later in October, Sr. Rosemary Jeffries (Americas/New Jersey), president of Georgian Court University in Lakewood, NJ, accompanied colleges from the university on a tour of Catherine's House for a glimpse of Catherine's world.
This week, Catherine's heart and home were opened to 19 school secretaries from South Central secondary schools in "A Day with Catherine," a lively encounter facilitated by MIC team member Anne Reid (Ireland/Dublin). Sr. Canice Hanrahan (Ireland/South Central) of the South Central Education Office, who arranged the opportunity for the secretaries. Sr. Eucharia, who accompanied the group, reports that she "felt something good happened to them" as they learned of this Irish woman who valued hospitality, education of children and care for the sick and poor. The experience was permeated with prayer as the secretaries visited this house where Catherine lived and ministered, and spent time in the garden at Catherine's grave. Wouldn't Catherine be pleased to open her heart and home to these women who open their own hearts in hospitality each day in their ministries as school secretaries?!