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Service to City of Edinburgh Award (Gt Britain Union)

The prestigious 'Sir William Darling Award for outstanding service to the City of Edinburgh' was presented on 4th November 2004, by the Lord Provost of the City, in the magnificent City Chambers on 'the Royal Mile' in Edinburgh.The recipient of this annual award was Sr Aelred Timmins, St Catharine's Convent of Mercy, Edinburgh.

The Citation spoke of Sr Aelred's founding and tireless work in the Project for the Homeless of Edinburgh which has flourished since its inception some 14 years ago. The Provost spoke of the City's deep debt of gratitude for all that is done to alleviate the distress of the less fortunate of this great City.

Recieving gift

Sr Aelred receives a personal gift of a Lucken Booth brooch, symbol of friendship

Sr Aelred graciously accepted the Award, - framed Citation, handsome silver brooch and a cheque - on behalf of the Congregation, the Lauriston Community and the great body of Volunteers who work on the Project, many of whom were present in the Chambers. It was a most enjoyable experience.


Sr Aelred and The Right Honourable, Lesley Hinds, Lord Provost

Sr Aelred deserves the congratulations of the Congregation for all her efforts over many years.

Access Information about St Catharine's here

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