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Mercy Network on Aging Celebrates Mercy: Excellence, Compassion, Respect and You

AT CONFERENCE: October 11-13, 2007

Marietta Walsh, RSM ( Northeast ) and Corinne Raven, RSM (Chicago )

The Mercy Network on Aging 2007 Conference held at the Marriott Midway Hotel in Chicago ,Illinois was attended by over 100 Sisters of Mercy and Mercy Colleagues from Long Term Care Facilities and Agencies across the United States.

Sheila Meigly - RSM Chicago Leadership , Avis Clendenen-Liturgy Jean Okroi IBVM-Participant and Margaret Johnston - RSM-Board Member

On Thursday evening October 11, 2007, the Chicago community hosted a reception at the Hotel to welcome Conference participants. Sister Sheila Meigly and a group of Sisters of Mercy from Greater-Chicago region provided that wonderful Mercy Hospitality. Katie Hayes ( Detroit ) current chairperson of the Mercy Network on Aging Board of Directors warmly welcomed the Mercy Network Visitors.

Margaret Farley, RSM---Keynote Speaker
Lois Graver, RSM ( Chicago )

Sister Margaret Farley ( Northeast ) University professor at Yale Divinity School was the Keynote Speaker focusing on Aging and Dying: Challenge to Hope.

Friday morning Keynote Speaker Barbara Bancroft reviewed her ideas on

Infectious Disease and the Geriatric Patient.

Friday morning and afternoon Breakout Sessions featured three speakers concurrently so the group had a chance to hear topics on:

Spirituality of Aging, Care of Elder with Alzheimer’s Disease And

Hearing Loss: A Challenge for us all.

Saturday morning participants were treated to dynamic presentations on topics relevant to current needs, including :

Spirituality/Transcendent Elder, St John’s Story and Integrated

Therapies: Art, Dance AND Music

The participants were sent back to their regional communities with the Message to Spread Mercy Excellence Compassion and Respect to You and to All