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Circle of Mercy

Twenty-two members of the "Circle of Mercy" from our Northern Province spent a wonderful day in the International Centre in Baggot Street on Sat. 23rd October. It was the yearly Committment day for our "Circles".

Three members of the Laytown Circle
Three members of the Laytown Circle

Mary Gormley gave us a most thought-inspiring tour of the Centre which gave us a greater insight than ever into the life of Catherine. The Mercy Hospitality was very much in evidence all through. We enjoyed many "Comfortable Cups of Tea" as well as a beautiful lunch.

Mary Gormley with Group
Mary Gormley with Group

The Chapel was tastefully prepared for our Committment Ceremony which took almost an hour. All the group were more than delighted with the day, and very grateful to Mary for giving us so much of her time and her wonderful feeling for Catherine. We were also grateful to Ann Reid for arranging the day for us.

Group in dining room
Group in dining room

The heritage Room
The Heritage Room

Kitty, Athboy enjoying a Comfortable Cup of tea!!
Kitty Athboy enjoying a Comfortable Cup of tea!!

At Catherines Grave
At Catherine's Grave

Catherine's Grave
Marie and Chrissie, two Core group members, at the Commitment ceremony

Marie and Chrissie, two Core

Sr. Rosemary signing her Commitment Form.

Messages to Assumpta Wallace rsm