September 24, 2018
Mercy Day
As a response to the Sisters of Mercy’s commitment to act in ways which contribute to a sustainable future for our Institute, the Church and Earth, the Institute Justice Team (IJT) has helped develop an Advent prayer booklet that holds out a vision of an economy that is in right relationship with God’s creation and God’s people.
As we light the Advent candles each week, we hold out for the hope and promise that Jesus’s birth represents. It is a time to reflect on what is possible - even if at first the challenges seem insurmountable.
The Advent prayer booklet was developed by the Faith Economy Ecology Transformation Working Group, convened by the Maryknoll Center for Global Concern. The working group’s principles, which the IJT and other Mercy justice groups endorsed, may be found here.
Each week of Advent the prayer booklet offers a reflection on the Sunday readings, a prayer and suggested action steps. Explore with us a paradigm shift in mindset and values, how to support and build resilient communities through our everyday activities, how to develop policies that put the needs of people and the Earth at the center, and possibilities for reigning in corporate power.
Many blessings this Advent season,
Messages to: Sisters of Mercy of the Americas’ Institute Justice Team